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Help Center

We’re Here for You

How do I prepare for my first session?

Make sure you are prepared to spend a little more time with the massage therapist during your first session. We will go over all of your pre-session paperwork and create a plan to best address your concerns. The following is a list of items and information that you will need to be prepared with:

  • Veterinary release

  • Treatment release

  • Horses health history

  • Goals for your sessions

  • Clean Horse (please have your horse dry and free of mud, excess dirt, or debris )

  • Area clear to perform treatment in (A quiet area where the horse will not be distracted. This can be a stall, turnout area, cross tie, or other quiet area where the horse will be able to stand still)

How many treatments are typically needed?

Massage Therapy:

For massage therapy sessions we recommend starting with 3-4 sessions over a 4-week period. This allows your horse to start holding the adjustments. After the initial period, a custom plan will be discussed. Most horses respond well to massages every 4-6 weeks or after any situations where their confirmation may change (shoeing, injuries, change of work, etc). Massage intended for relaxation sessions can be beneficial on a weekly, bimonthly, or monthly schedule. 


Laser Therapy:

For acute injuries and chronic conditions laser therapy is often effective after 6-8 sessions.

For chronic conditions laser therapy can be used long term. Initial sessions are recommended at a more frequent interval. Once the initial treatments have been performed and horse response has been observed an individualized plan and schedule will be created. 


Targeted Cryo Therapy:

Can be used for both acute injuries and chronic conditions. Cryo therapy can have effects as soon as the initial session. The frequency of sessions will depend on the individuals condition and how they react to the treatments. 

Do I have to be there for every treatment? 

No, after the initial session your therapist can perform treatments without the owner present. 

How do I know if my horse will benefit from bodywork?

All horses can benefit from bodywork. Some horses respond to bodywork better than others. This is why goals are so important for the owner and therapist to talk about. Our therapists will make sure to communicate progress after each session. If the desired effects are not being seen or your horse does not enjoy their sessions this will be brought to your attention. Sometimes this means there are additional issues that need to be addressed, other modalities need to be looked at, or our body work may not be the best fit. 

Where can I find more information on massage and laser therapy?

Our therapists are great resources for any questions you may have. We also post many articles and informational documents to our resource page so that you can educate yourself on massage and laser practices. 

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